Dylan 21 months old

Look out terrible 2's here we come.
We have not reached the 2-year-old mark, but the terrible 2 tantrums have set in.
Dylan has to be held 90% of the time. If he is held, he is happy. You set him down, and he will throw a fit, I mean, in the floor, laying on his back, arms in the air, CRYING!

He is gaining his very own personality, and if he does not like something he will tell you. On the other hand, he is a very happy baby. When he loves something, he is all in. Barney is the best example.

This kid is always on the move. He will watch parts of TV, but we rarely see him settle in for a whole show. On occasion, Barney is the exception, but he pops in for his favorite parts.

Dylan loves to wave bye-bye and play in the water puddles.

We still read a story every night, and he knows the sounds of a cow, cat, dog, and we are working on a pig. He can't stay away from books, even at Target.

Then last week I filled up their mini pool with water, and the boys loved it. Dylan is my water baby.

He loves to be outside and has been climbing up the slide and the wall all by himself. He is a very brave little boy, who does not shy away from adventure.


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