Derek Turns 6

In honor of Derek turning 6, we wanted to do something very special for his birthday. We decided to take a family trip to Dallas and do all the things a 6-year-old would love.
We headed out Friday afternoon to begin our fun-filled weekend in Dallas, TX.
We were all so excited, but 3 hours in a car is a very long time.

We finally made it to the Rainforest Cafe. We were so happy to be out of the car. 

The boys loved the atmosphere of the jungle. 

They were not sure if the animals were real or not, but they warmed up to them quickly. 

After dinner, we headed to our hotel, which Derek was really excited about. 
The hotel was very underwhelming, but we made the most of it. 

Saturday Morning we woke up to Derek and a stomach ache and I could tell this was not going to be the day we had planned. 

We decided to skip the free breakfast, and headed to Denny's next door. 

Derek was not feeling very well, and it was hard to get him to eat anything, and I was praying what he did eat stayed down.  The Denny's experience was not great, but we had breakfast and much-needed coffee. 

After that we headed to LEGOLAND:

This place was fun, and the kids really did enjoy it, although there was not a lot of things for Dylan to do.
For this trip, we wanted Derek to have the best time and do everything he wanted to do,  so we split up, and I watched after Dylan, while Derek and Ricky explored Legoland. 

There were a few rides, and Derek got to drive his very own car. 

Dylan liked to play outside in this splash area, even though it was closed, we still enjoyed being outside for a little bit.

Just a boy in his element:

After LEGOLAND we went to the mall food court for Lunch and things fell apart a little bit. Derek didn't want to eat, Dylan needed a nap, and we needed food.
We forgot the stroller and was not sure how Dylan was going to take a nap. We decided that we would go ahead and do the Aquarium and hope for the best.  The dark lights were just enough for Dylan to go to sleep. 

Derek LOVED the aquarium, and the Stingrays were his favorite.

We decided to head to the hotel to rest before Medieval Times.  

I was no sure how Dylan would do with all the lights and noise, given he didn't have much of a nap, but he was so impressed/ scared/ interested, that he was entertained the whole time. 

After the show we went back to our hotel, and snag Happy Birthday to this sweet boy.

We made the quick decision to head home that night, and sleep in our own bed. 


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