A few things about us

Time can move so fast, and I want to look back and remember these days. 
Here are a few things about each of our family Members. 

 Derek has been doing really good in Kindergarten this year. We have been practicing his sight words, and he is beginning the first steps in reading. We are so proud of him, and he is doing a really good job in school. I have seen him grow a lot with this first month of school. He loves the days he is a car rider, as he says the bus ride is long and hot. LOL 

Derek has been diagnosed with Vitiligo, where his skin is losing color and pigmentation. We have started a skincare treatment, and we are looking to discover the root cause. This has required Derek to make a few trips to the lab for blood work, and I am so proud of how well he has handled the whole situation. Together, as a family, we will find the best solution for our sweet Derek. 

Derek is 100% into Pokemon right now. He lives and breaths Pokemon, and we are not sad about it. As a family each night we settle in and watch an episode before bed. Derek loves it so much, there have been tears cried when something goes wrong, or its time for bed, and we can't watch another episode. I am really loving this phase right now. 

Dylan is our funny little pickle. He is the most active little boy, who loves to read books, snuggle, and play with his little brother. He loves to chew on this fingers and go up and down on the couch a bunch of times. He loves to climb and needs to know about everything going on. 

He may be the spitting image of his daddy, but he is my follower. He follows me to every room and does not like me to leave without him. He loves to go bye-bye, and talk to everyone. 

He is developing his own personality, and right now he is into PJ Mask, Paw Patrol, and Baby Shark. He loves to sing and dance. 

This semester I am taking 2 classes towards my Master's Degree, with the hopes of being finished by Fall 2019. Fingers crossed all goes well, and I can reach this goal. I am in  Research class right now, and I know for sure, research is not my thing, but I will get through it. 

The saying is true that the days are long but the years are short, and I see this truth more each day. As I am planning Dylan's second birthday, I am reminded of how quickly time really does go by. I find myself looking back at baby pictures of Derek, and I am sad that some of those memories have faded. At the end of the day, I want my kids to remember that I was present in their lives, and I am doing my very best for them. 

This past summer Ricky completed his MBA, and we are so proud of him. He has put in a lot of hours, hard work which has paid off, as he completed the program this summer. He is bound to do great things, and I am so happy I get a front row seat to all of his accomplishments. 

Ricky has a very kind heart and would do anything for his family. He loves so big and is a great father to his kids. We are so lucky to have him in our lives. 

We love our dogs. I love coming home to them each day. I am so happy to have them, and they truly are a big part of our family. Hersey is our little rascal, who gets into everything, and Buddy is the calmest, fluffiest big teddy bear. 


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