Holiday Season Part 2

Holiday Season 2018 Part 2

Santa Came. I was so excited for the boys, that I didn't sleep much Christmas Eve. The next morning Derek came to the bed and said, Mom, there are presents under the tree. For our house, we wait to reveal all the presents Christmas morning, so it is a big reveal. 

We patiently waited for brother and daddy to wake up so we could open presents. 

Oh my, what a big Nerf gun you have. 

We always need new Dallas Cowboys gear. 

Derek got a whole collection of Pokemon Plush toys, and he was so happy to open Pikachu. 

The item Derek wanted the most was a Spider-Man costume and Santa didn't disappoint. Since little brother is into all the things big brother is into, he thought it would be nice if they got matching costumes. 

Big Brother Love. 

After a little play time, we headed to DeQueen to have Christmas with the family. 

Then games afterward, I am so grateful that my kids have the opportunity to spend time with their great grandpa. 

Back home and a quick picture of my favorite 2-year-old. 

The next day we spent time playing dress-up and play-doh. 

Dylan loves for you to be right there with him, and he demanded that I "sit". 

One of my favorite things Derek and I have done a lot more of is spending time together after bedtime. After he is tucked in, and I am watching TV, he will sneak out of bed, and crawl in my lap and ask to watch a cooking show with me. He loves to "be up late" and I love that I get to create a special memory with him. 

I also love all the extra time I have been able to spend snuggling this little feisty, wiggly boy. 

Image result for happy new year 2019


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