5 Months Old

The months just keep on passing. Derek is now 5 months old.

This has been a pretty good month, but there isn't much going on for Derek. He has begun to roll from his back to his stomach, but not stomach to back. They say once he can do it both ways, there will be no stopping him! He is still growing and it amazes me, each day, of how much my life has changed since we have had him. I love this little guy. He is an amazing baby, and I love every part of being a mom. The looks that he gives you, and the smiles, it will melt your heart every time!

This month we celebrated Christmas, and I got my Christmas present early this year, and I am so glad that he came when he did! He was pretty fascinated with the Christmas tree, we decided to put it up while he was taking a nap, and we wanted to see his reaction to the new "thing" taking up so much space in the living room, and once he saw it, he didn't know what to think about it, but he loved it!

Every day is a new adventure with this little one, I am sure he will be "talking" and moving in no time. It does not seem like we have had him for 5 months already! We did try bananas for this first time, and he was not to sure of it at first, since this was really the first time he had any type of food. He didn't eat much of it, but it was a nice adventure to start introducing a new food!

Love this little man!!!

He has gotten really good at holding his head up!
Chewing- he doesn't have anything in his mouth, but he moves his mouth like he is chewing on gum, but I know he is just mocking what we do when we talk, and I love it, it is really cute!
Tummy Time- still one of his favorite things is tummy time!
Baby toys/ playtime


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