6 Months Old

 Happy 6 Month Birthday!
That's right, Derek is now 6 months old.

We have made it half a year with this little guy, and I love him more and more each day.
Derek has been doing really good, but he stopped sleeping through the night, come to find out, he was teething. At 5 months and 3 weeks old, Derek got his first 2 bottom teeth. We kinda thought he was teething but was not sure till the first tooth broke the skin.

Derek thought that since he has been keeping us up so much, he thought he would make it up to us by cooking us dinner!

Derek is now a roller. Since Derek has started rolling from this back to his stomach, I knew it was a matter of time before he would be rolling from his stomach to his back, and a few days after the new year, he did it!
I was so happy and excited to see him figure out how to do this on his own.  You guessed it, now we cant keep him still. He rolls everywhere, which is really cute!

Supper time is now fun time!

We tried applesauce for the first time. He was unsure of it at first, different taste and texture, and he never  really came around to liking it, so we finally gave up!
 The thing he really does love, drinking from a water bottle. Ricky and I drink a lot of water, and Derek is usually at the table with us, so one night Ricky wanted to give Derek a drink, and he didn't really know what to do at first but he liked it. Now of course I was a little skeptical because they say babies aren't supposed to have water, but it was so cute watching him get so excited, and start kicking his legs that I had to let Ricky do it again.  So we would put the water bottle up to his mouth and he would move his head from side to side, which of course made getting water into his mouth difficult!  Some times he wore more water than he drank, but it was still pretty funny to watch!

Rolling over
Bath time (my favorite time)
Eating in the high chair
The Dog, Hersey, and the dog toys
Laughing at the dogs
Playing in the Exersauser

Until Next time.......


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