8 Months Old
8 Months Old!
WOW, This has been a month of accomplishments!
ON March 17th, we think Derek said DaDa for the first time. We are not sure if he meant to say it, or even if he knew what he was saying, but it sounded like DaDa. So of course, you know Ricky was super excited! Now if I could get him to say MaMa. On the same day he also stretched out his arms for his Daddy, so that tells me one thing, he is going to be a daddy's boy!
We moved him from the baby tub to the big tub and he loves it. He gets excited every night for bath time. However that leads to no longer needing the face monster. One of my favorite times of bath time is now gone. Once we moved him to the seat in the tub he is more excited about playing and splashing himself, and not in getting his face washed, he still lets me do it, but he doesn't light up and smile any more. So I will retire the face monster, with my head hung low! :{
He has also learned how to clap and wave. Clapping is his new favorite thing. He will clap at everything, but when you clap, he will stop and look at you, like he doesn't know why you are clapping with him. As for waving, he isn't waving at any one or anything. He is just starting to figure it out. I will try to get him to wave at me, and he will not, but I have seen him playing, and his little fingers are bending, like a wave, so I know he is figuring it out.
Time to crawl, well almost... he will get up on his knees and elbows, he will rock and then he will plop down! He is starting to army crawl, with his elbows on the floor, but it is not that often, so we are not there just yet! I am sure I will have more on this next month!
Even though he isn't crawling, he will roll and scoot EVERYWHERE! We had to childproof the living room, due to the fact that he is now mobile!
He rolled all the way under the table, just to be close to his grandma, then looked at the camera for the perfect photo! |
Since he is now mobile, he will reach and grab anything he can get his hands on. His greatest fascination are cords, like to lamps, my computer, or Ricky's headphones. Needless to say we had to do some rearranging in the house to keep him out of trouble, and ever once in a while he will discover a cord that I thought was out of reach. He will for sure keep you on your toes.
He has mastered sitting, by himself. He has not figured out how to get from his stomach to a sitting position, but if I sit him up, he will stay sitting up, and now he can reach things and play with things from a different angle.
Drinking from a water bottle- still one of his favorite things, he can be calm, or fussy and you take a drink out of a water bottle and he gets so excited, and he is pretty good at drinking from it!
Bath time- splashing
Hersey, our dog. They had really become "buddies" this month. Hersey has always been a very dominant dog, and this month he has come to be friends with Derek, letting him play with his tail, and sharing his toys, which for Heresy is a big deal, because he does not share, and Derek loves the dogs!! It makes me happy that Derek and Hersey are going to be really good buddies.
Until Next Time....
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