Letting him cry it out still.....
Well it has been 1 month since we started the "letting him cry it out" stage, so I figured by now he would be ready for bed, we say our good nights, lay him in his crib and he would play with his crib soother and slowly drift off to sleep. Unfortunately for me that is not the case, here we are 1 month in
and he still cries every night for maybe 15- 20 minutes before he goes to sleep, I believe from exhaustion, or from crying so much. While this is going on, I am sitting in the next room, feeling like the worst mom ever, letting my baby cry so much, but I keep reminding myself that this is the best thing for the both of us. Finally he does go to sleep, and I breath a moment of relief.
It does make it better in the morning when he wakes up and smiles at me, and I know he does not hold a grudge from the night before, being that I let him cry so much!
Now as for the sleeping thing, My child has never been a good sleeper. I love my son and he is a great baby, his one issue is that he doesn't sleep.
In the almost 8 months we have had our wonderful child, he has sleep a full night a total of about 2 months, if that!
I know that it is worse for others and I really do feel blessed for the great baby I have, and I am not complaining, I just fine it amazing of how little, or not so much this baby sleeps, for a baby.
Let me explain: you see we brought Derek home and like all babies he had his nights and days mixed up, for the first 2 months. Then he got better and slept longer. At about 4 months, he slept thought the night for about a month and 1/2, then at 5 1/2 months, out of the blue he stopped. He was waking up 2-3 times a night, so for lack of sleep, we began to put Derek in the bed with us. Come to find out later, he was teething, and that was the reason he began to wake up.
After his teeth broke the skin, he was up every night, so I began to break him from sleeping in the bed, with little success.
Then when he decided that he was ready to put himself to sleep, the first week of him crying it out, he slept the whole night. We were amazed, and assumed that the two had to be linked. 1 week later, he began to wake up every night. I would go to him, pat him on the stomach and lay back down, within 20 minutes his was back awake, so I pick him up and, once again, put him in the bed with me! Even naps, are not that great, he gets 1 hour nap in the morning and the afternoon, sometimes he sleeps the whole hour, others he will be awake within 20- 30 minutes, why you wonder, I HAVE NO IDEA!
and he still cries every night for maybe 15- 20 minutes before he goes to sleep, I believe from exhaustion, or from crying so much. While this is going on, I am sitting in the next room, feeling like the worst mom ever, letting my baby cry so much, but I keep reminding myself that this is the best thing for the both of us. Finally he does go to sleep, and I breath a moment of relief.
Now as for the sleeping thing, My child has never been a good sleeper. I love my son and he is a great baby, his one issue is that he doesn't sleep.
In the almost 8 months we have had our wonderful child, he has sleep a full night a total of about 2 months, if that!
I know that it is worse for others and I really do feel blessed for the great baby I have, and I am not complaining, I just fine it amazing of how little, or not so much this baby sleeps, for a baby.
Let me explain: you see we brought Derek home and like all babies he had his nights and days mixed up, for the first 2 months. Then he got better and slept longer. At about 4 months, he slept thought the night for about a month and 1/2, then at 5 1/2 months, out of the blue he stopped. He was waking up 2-3 times a night, so for lack of sleep, we began to put Derek in the bed with us. Come to find out later, he was teething, and that was the reason he began to wake up.
After his teeth broke the skin, he was up every night, so I began to break him from sleeping in the bed, with little success.
Then when he decided that he was ready to put himself to sleep, the first week of him crying it out, he slept the whole night. We were amazed, and assumed that the two had to be linked. 1 week later, he began to wake up every night. I would go to him, pat him on the stomach and lay back down, within 20 minutes his was back awake, so I pick him up and, once again, put him in the bed with me! Even naps, are not that great, he gets 1 hour nap in the morning and the afternoon, sometimes he sleeps the whole hour, others he will be awake within 20- 30 minutes, why you wonder, I HAVE NO IDEA!
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