12 Months Old

12 Months old = 1 year old!!
WOW it is so amazing that I have had this little guy for a whole year!

Lets see what all has Derek accomplished this month...

He has been cutting 4 teeth, at once, that's been fun!

He likes to smack, or chew, and it is really cute. I keep falling for it, thinking, What does he have in his mouth.

He also loves to talk. There are a few words I can understand, and then a few that I am not sure what he is saying.  He likes to whisper, and mummer, which is super cute (that's my new saying)
Here is a funny, sometimes he will whisper something, and I promise you it sounds like the S word, which is weird cause that word isn't used in our house, but sometimes I have to take a second look, and I just wonder what he is trying to say.

Sippy cup success!! That's right, we have crossed over and are only taking a night bottle after bath time! That is amazing for me because I didn't think we would ever be able to move from the bottle to the sippy cup. The thing that helped the most was his cousin Carson. He was staying here and Carson had a "big boy" sippy cup and Derek wanted it, so I fixed him up a cup like Carson's, same color and form, and to my surprise, IT WORKED!!  We are almost bottle free!!!!! For me, that is a big accomplishment.

On the other hand, the sleeping in the bed has been horrible! I cant get any sleep.  Derek is a very "busy" sleeper, we are up and awake constantly, so it makes for some very long, and tiring nights!  What we have decided to do is try to make him sleep in his crib ALL NIGHT! Big step! 
We knew this process would have to happen gradually, so we started by moving the crib, right next to the bed. That was fun, he could reach out and touch me, so we had to scoot him back a little bit.
The first week has been successful, and rough. We have had a few nights of him waking and screaming, and since he is in our room, we have to go to the couch and recliner, so he will go back to sleep, which means that we sleep in the living room. Note: Yes I realize we have let our child run us out of our own bedroom, however this is temporary!! Our goal, in all of this, is to get him to put himself to sleep and sleep in his own room!  Hopefully the next blog I will have more to write about on this topic!

We are now eating toddler food.  For a few nights in a row, I was having a hard time getting Derek to eat the baby food I was feeding him. He would fuss, and almost wiggle out of the highchair, but  he would eat the baby biscuits and puffs all afternoon if I would let him, so I knew he was hungry, just didn't understand what I was doing wrong. Plus I didn't want Derek to get the idea that he could skip supper and I would let him eat junk food,  so after talking to few friends about this, they suggested to by toddler food, such as meat sticks and ravioli. It worked like a charm. He has taken to it so well, and we are done with baby food! YAY!!! We are one step closer to eating Mommy and Daddy food!
Its times like this, I appreciate all the friends I have, that have had kids before me, so I can go to them, and they can tell me what to do, or what to try. BLESS THEM!!

 Did I mention how much I love this child? The other night, Derek and I were in the floor playing "patti-cake" and he was in a great mood and we were having such a good time. He crawled up into my lap, and was still, and calm. He was really enjoying the game we were playing, and so was I, which brought on a proud Mommy moment,  so I asked Ricky capture this moment!

To say Mama, Dada, and his favorite word, bath time!
To chase the dogs all through the house.
Have to be where ever you are!
Drinking from his sippy cup!

Until next time....


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