The First Year of a New Life

When they say A Baby Changes Everything, They were not kidding.

We have had one year with our Handsome man! He has changed my life in so many ways, and made me realize how much I love being a mom!

PARENTING: Not what I expected, AT ALL. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE IT, but there are so many things to having a child, that people could tell you about all day long, but until you are a parent yourself, you don't get it!

As we approach the birthday of Derek, It has really got me thinking about the past year, so here is a recap of the best of the best of Year 1 with Derek, and being a New Mom:

1) It is the BEST job in the whole wide world.You instantly gain this love for this person you have never meet, then all of a sudden, he is here and your heart grows twice its size, just to hold all the love you have for this human.

2) It is the HARDEST job in the whole wide world. WOW, I never realized how much worry, stress, and sleep depervation comes with a newborn. Someone should have warned me, Oh Right they did. They were not kidding. You are instanly responsible for this tiny, helpless little baby. In the first few months, I found myself thinking, how am I going to make it through the first year, and both of us come out alive. I am sure that sounds crazy right, but we survived.

3) Everything you think you know about babies, means nothing, at least in my case. I have been around kids my whole life, so I felt strong about how to take care of a baby. Wrong again. I didn't realize all there was to taking care of a child!

4) Sorry for this one: Breastfeeding is so hard. OMG, I took classes, and did all that I could do, but unfortunally will all the other stress of a baby, and a latching issue, it didn't happen for me.

5) Looking at your partner, and realizing that together we made a person, and then getting to see each of our features in 1. That's awesome!

6) Knowing you have a wonderful husband, but falling in love with him all over again once you see him as a dad!

7) Hearing your child say his First word, Even though it was, Dada, LOL.

8) Rocking your baby to sleep.

9) Realizing how much your family and friends mean to you, when you are so tired and think all is going wrong, and having everyone there to pull you through it!

10) Having a feeling of placement, such as, this is where I am supposed to Be!


Until Next time.....


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