13 Months Old

We have passed the 1 year mark with our little guy, and he continues to amaze me, impress me, and I love him more and more each day. When I look at him, my heart swells with joy, and love. He is a constant reminder of how blessed we are to have him!

Earlier this month, we went to the Dr. for his 1 year check-up and can you believe that Derek now weights 22lbs! Well this was also the day for his shots, and it isn't any fun for me or him, so I had a treat waiting for him. As soon as the shoots were done, and he is screaming, I would be too if it was me, I pull out a sucker. He loved it. This was the first time I have ever given Derek a sucker. He enjoyed it so much, that he almost he it gone by the time we made it to the car. So once I get him in his car seat, I had to take it away from him, I couldn't risk a piece of it to breaking off, and him choking on it while I was driving down the road, so of course he cried, but a minute or so later he was over it!

Derek is learning how to help me get his clothes on and off, he will lift his leg to get his pants off, and he knows when to pull him arm in the arm hole, which also works the other way. While I am dressing him, he is trying to pull his clothes back off.

He has taken a few steps on his own, but he has not gained the confidence to let go and walk by himself, but I am sure he will get there soon!  Every night we take him out side and let him walk around.  Also he has taken about 5 steps total on his own. It will be a matter of weeks before he is walking on his own, well at least I hope so.

He has also learned how to get down from things, such as the couch, bed and the recliner. He knows to go feet first, on his tummy. I was pretty surprised the first time I saw him do that, he figured it out all on his own!

He loves to headbutt us. I like to encourage him, and I will put my head up to his, and let me tell you, that kid can headbutt. I think he might be a little on the stubborn side, Hummm I wounder where he got that from! LOL

Well that's it for this month, Until next time.


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