Oh Sleep How I Miss Thee

Boy, has it been a rough 2 weeks. It feels like the month of September has been a blur.
Up until a few weeks ago, everything has been going really well, Derek has been walking, almost, talking in his "own" words, and we have been bottle free for 2 weeks now.
However the sleep schedule has been a different story.
Now we have always had a hard time with Derek sleeping, he rarely sleeps through the night since we have brought him home, it almost feels like we have a newborn again, only this time he is big enough to kick, SCREAM, and run you into another room. Not to mention make you extremely exchusted, and want to cry every night with him because he will not sleep, and feel like the worst mom ever.

We were doing good, we would put him to bed, he would cry, then he would go to sleep. Wake up at some point in the middle of the night, I would turn on his soother, move to the living room, and he would go back to sleep with in 30 minutes. Ricky and I would either go back to the bedroom, or fall asleep in the living room on the couch and recliner. I know it is not ideal, but we have not made the transition to move his crib to his room yet.

So here we are, doing really well, getting some sleep, and feeling some what rested. Well a few weeks ago, it all changed.  I am not sure what changed in Derek, but something did. Now we are awake, screaming, and not going back to sleep. At first we would let him cry, thinking he would go back to sleep like he has been doing, but No he would cry for an hour. I finally went in the bedroom, to calm him, and we fall  asleep in the bed.

Well every night we have been trying the same routine, until I have about gone crazy due to the fact that I haven't been getting any sleep.  The whole point of all of this was to get him used to sleeping in his crib, all night, and we were in the process of moving him to his room. Now we are back to square 1, back in the bed. We tried the " let him cry it out" and an hour and a half later, you have a stressed out, crying mommy and a screaming baby. What would you do, What any other Mother would do, I went in and picked up my son. As soon as I did that his head went to my shoulder and 5 minutes later, he was asleep! The following night, same thing happend, only I let him cry for an hour, and instead of going right to sleep, we were in the bed awake for another hour and a half. Then we repeated that for the next few nights.

So once again I go out seeking help and advise from any one that had a suggestion I had not tired:
Feeding him a protien RIGHT before bed, so he is FULL: DIDN'T WORK
Change nap schedule and move up his bed time: DIDN'T WORK
Allow him to take a shorter nap in the day time:( He had a 30 minute nap all day): DIDN'T WORK
Give him Motrin and nighttime body wash: WORKED for 1 night, but that was the night I needed it, so Praise GOD there.
My child didn't sleep though the night till he was 3 or 5: AT LEAST I KNOW I AM NOT ALONE!
Called the Pediatrician, she said that some babies will not sleep though the night and it takes them longer to figure it out, but he should out-grow it soon. I SURE HOPE SO!
However here we are again, doing it all over again, instead now we are just putting him in the bed, and skipping the hour long cry fest from both Mommy and baby, and going right to the bed.
Then once again I am reminded why  we got him out of the bed in the first place. He is not a still sleeper! 

All I know is that "this too shall pass" and I will miss the days when I can pick him up and hold him, and the days when all he wants is me. I know there is light at the end of this very long tunnel, and I am not there yet, but with the Grace of God, I will get through it!


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