23 Months old/ Other things

Looks like I have returned to the blogging world.  It has been a busy past few months and a lot of things have happened.
I have realized that I am not as good of a blogger that I had hoped to be and; I felt like my writing was not very good, and I kinda lost my desire for it, so I took a break.

Here is a recap of what has happens, since I have been gone:

Derek turned 23 Months old:

We are in full swing of planning his 2nd birthday party, and let me tell you, it will be a good one. I will be sure and post about that one. We decided to go with the Thomas the Train theme, because right now Derek is all about Thomas.

He is still not talking as much as I would like him to, but we are working on it. Each day we are working on saying a few words, and if there is one thing I know about my kids, is that you can't rush him. He will do it when he is good an ready to, I just have to be patient.

I love having him around, he makes everything so much better.

New car: That's right!! I got a new car, and I LOVE IT. It is like it was made for me, and it has taken us this long to meet up, but now that we have, we are a match made in Heaven.
Thanks to my Wonderful Husband and his Mad saving skills, we have been saving for a car for a while, just waiting for the right car and the right time.
Well my old car had a different plan in mind.  We had to be in Texarkana (reason to be revealed next),  and I had gotten out of my car, but it would not go into park, so I pull the E-Brake, and when I come out, my car will not start. OH NO THIS IS NOT GOOD, was running thought my head. I go get Ricky, and fortunately we were able to get it started. Next stop, still will not go into park, but I am able to force it. So we decide it might be a good idea to see what the Toyota place has, so we know what we are looking at. Based on what we told them we were looking for, they had one car, a little out of our price range, but we looked at it, and I loved it, test drove it, and decided I really wanted it, but it was not in our budget. Well a little while later, for kicks, I asked them to give me an estimate on my current car so I could have an idea of the down payment  . As I gave them my duck taped car key, and we are waiting, they come to us and say "we have a problem, your car won't start, and the key has broken off in the enition." My thoughts are " you are kidding me." As I go out there, Derek in tow, we are able to get the key out, and get it started. After all that is said and done, they come back to offer us $2,000, for my car. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  The next words out of our mouth was "lets make a deal."  Two long hours later, I am driving home in a new/used car!!! YAY!!!

We are moving:
Well almost, I have been approve to work from the Ashdown campus, doing my current job. This is wonderful news, Ricky gets off the road, Derek get into daycare, and I will be moving offices.
There are still so many details that will need to be worked out, but it is something we are looking forward to.



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