Daycare-Week 2

Another week of Daycare is in the books, and although it is still hard, it may be getting a little bit easier.
I will be the first to say that taking Derek to daycare alone, was to much for me to handle emotionally, so Ricky has gone with me each day, to help both of us cope. It is so hard, to do something with Derek and him not understand that this is the best for everyone. There were a few days where I cried, but it was so nice to have Ricky there, reassuring me that this was the right step, and it will get better.
By the end of the week, the mornings were still rough, and I would have to force him to walk through the door, but the ladies assured me that within 5 minutes he has stopped crying and had begun to play.
He still has his moments through out the day where he will fuss, and whine, but realizes that it will not get him what he wants, and he will stop fussing. He has also started to eat and nap, which is a BIG relief, and shows us that he is growing more comfortable with the place and the people. When I go to pick him up, he is still crying and screams in excitement and fear when he sees me, which makes me kind of sad.
I know these tough days are numbered, and I know they will get better, and I will excited when that day comes.

At night he is doing ok, he is still really fussy. Mainly because he is hungry and tired, which makes for a rough night. Two nights in a row, he has fallen asleep on the couch, before 8, which is rare, since he is never ready to go to bed any other time, which goes to show that daycare is keeping him active. How cute does he look, could you say No to this...

This week was also Halloween, and the same day we had a break through.
He had a good day at Daycare. He ate lunch, took a nap, and was not crying when I came to pick him up.
His teacher said he did really good, and he got involved with the activities. Hearing that was the best way to end the week. I just hope that next weekend will be even better.

For Halloween, we took Derek to the college for the Trunk or Treat and he had a good time. They had a bouncy house, which are always packed with kids twice his size, but this one was an obstacle course and  didn't have to many kids at the end, so we let Derek play, and he had a blast.

Untill Next week... 


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