It's a God Thing

If you listen to Christian radio, then you have probably heard about the book, It's a God Thing, where people are telling their stories about how God has been present in their lives. If you know God, then at some point, I am sure he has presented himself in your life wither it be by speaking, providing a miracle, or showing his presence. Today I would like to share a few of the stories of how he has reminded me that he is always with me.
I would love to hear your stories as well, please leave them in the comments, and let us all see how Great our God Is:

When I was about 18- 19 years old, my best friend, her Boyfriend, and I decided that we wanted to go on a cannoning trip. Sounded like a good idea, but 3 teenagers+ no canoeing experience= disaster.
We were in the water maybe 10 minutes and we had already flipped twice, but we were having a good time. It had rained recently so the water was moving at a good speed. We get to this one bend, and there were some trees down, and some nice size rapids. In the middle of it all, we get turned around, the canoe flips, and we all sore downstream, except me. My life jacket gets hung on a limb underwater. As the water is rushing over me, and as I am tugging on the limb, trying to break free, I see things flash in front of me, I really think I am going to drowned. What was 5 seconds seemed like hours of being stuck. Then at that very moment I pull my hardest on the limb, and "just like that" I was free, floating downstream. It was not till later, once I was on dry land, that I realized, I was not alone there, but by the grace of God HE freed me.

That is what he does for anyone who follows Him. Its that amazing that we are able to serve a God like this.

Another time, My Husband and I were headed to see some family a few hours away. We were driving on roads that we were unfamiliar with. As my husband was driving, I was giving directions. I knew there was a 90 degree turn coming up, but I was too late, I say to my husband, " that was our turn" and in the same instant, he attempts to make the turn. At 65 MPH, making a left-hand turn, we end up, a few feet off the road, inches from a road sign, in the direction we were supposed to be going. The car didn't flip, nor was there any traffic coming from the opposite direction to hit us head on. Now we were in a tiny, Corolla car, and to this day it still amazes me that the car didn't flip. God is a wonderful God. AMEN!

Now its your turn, I look forward to reading about how God has stepped in, on your life.


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