January and Febuary Goals
Once again, I am behind, so Now is my opportunity to get caught up.
Like most people, instead of setting new year resolutions, I have decided to make monthly goals, and see how good I am about competing them.
Here are my goals for the month of January.
Like most people, instead of setting new year resolutions, I have decided to make monthly goals, and see how good I am about competing them.
Here are my goals for the month of January.
1. Write Thank you letters to:
Mom, Dad, Ricky, Derek, Tamara
At the new church we have started attending, they are doing the same thing, each month they will present a "Challenge" and you have the whole month to complete the challenge. This month it was to write 3 letters to someone, telling them, Thank you. I was able to that this challenge, and run with it, I was able to write 7 letters, and I am happy that I was able to complete the challenge, and to let the ones I love, know how much I care about them.
2. Start Project
I have a special idea in mind for a new scrapbook, and I wanted to make sure that I was able to get the thought process, brainstorming idea started. More will be reviled as it is completed.
3. Do 3 pages in another scrapbook
I have a bad habit of starting scrapbook projects, and not completing them, so I kinda of have a guilt of having them all there, and none completed. Also I am wanting to start another book, for Derek, but don't feel like I can start another one till I complete the others. I know in the large scheme of things, this doesn't matter, but this is me, LOL.
4. Finish the Sarah Evans book.
There is this series, called A Songbird Novel, by the country singer, Sara Evans, with Christin writer, Rachel Hauch and I have read it before and loved it so much that, I am rereading it with my mom, and I am one book away from completing the series, so it is my goal. Trust me, If you are looking for a good book to read, you need to check this out.
I am happy to say, I was able to complete all these goals. YAY me.
Now for my February goals:
1. Every night before I put Derek to bed, say a prayer with him.
2. Listen to the bible on my way to work.
3. Update and Print pictures for my scrapbooks.
4. Write a blog post at least once a week.
Here's to completing my goals for February.
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