Life Lately

Here are a few things that have been going on lately at the Ray house.

After Christmas, Ricky and I decided it was time to "update" our house. We put up curtains, hung things on the wall, and gave our bedroom at small make over. It was a lot of fun, and our house looks so nice and welcoming now.

Here is our finished living room, before and after.


After/ Above the couch
New Curtains

Here is our Bedroom, My favorite update, before and after.

                       This was our bed before the update. A gold bedspread and blue sheets, not pretty.
Here is a picture with the new bedding, but nothing else.

Here is the after. I love it!!

There is still a lot missing on this wall. Any suggestions to make it better?

Dereks room:

I thought I had a before picture, but I don't. His room has so much color and life to it, I love it.

So there you have it.  A quick update to our new house. It is coming together piece by piece.

In other news, February has been a great month with a lot of new and exciting changes.
I had an interview with Texas A&M, and was offered a job there. I start next week.
I am so excited and I am so nervous at the same time.
I will still be advising, but on a much larger scale. I will work in the same building as Ricky, and I am really excited, and one of the best parts, I will be in the same town as my family.
Ricky and I will be able to ride to work together, and eat lunch together. All the while I get to do what I love, advise students and help them achieve their goals.

 Image result for congratulations new job        Image result for congratulations new job       Image result for congratulations new job

February has been a great month, and I can't wait to see what happens in March. 


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