4 months

Another month has passed, and we now have a 4 month old and a 4 year old.

Here are a few things Dylan has mastered this past month.

Daycare- Dylan has been doing really good at daycare. He is a really good baby for the workers, and he may be a class favorite, I mean, who cant love this face, and all that hair.

Travailing- This is still a hit or miss, sometimes he does really good in the car, and other times, he does not want any part of it. I am supposed to make a trip in the next week or so, and I have about changed my mind, because it is 4 1/2 hours 1 way, plus all the stops I will need to make, and I don't think I am up for that challenge.

Sleeping- Dylan is a really good sleeper. We tried the crib, but most days it doesn't work. I will get him to sleep, and lay him in his crib and he usually wakes up, and I am so tired and ready to go to sleep myself, so I just pick him up and hold him till he goes back to sleep. I am not winning in that department yet. I want to let him cry it out, but I keep reading conflicting information if it is good for him, or an emotional stress on him, so I keep giving in.

Dylan has begin to roll over. Within the next month, he will be rolling everywhere. He loves to talk, and play on his activity mat. He is all around a happy baby, as long as he isn't hungry or sleepy. Currently he weights 13 lbs, and it about to outgrow the 0-3 month clothes. He has a smile that goes on for miles, and wakes up happy every morning. I never knew that my heart could love my sweet little boys so much.

Here is Dylan at 4 months old:

Derek at 4 months old:


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