5 Months

WOW another month has passed, and we have a 5 month old.
Where has the time gone. I am not sure if it is because Dylan is our second child, so we are seasoned, but this period of time is passing by so fast. Dylan is such a happy baby, so he makes it look easy.

Sleeping: We have been going through a sleep regression, as he is waking up every 2-3 hours a night, so some nights are long, but we are making it through it. I don't have to get up to make a bottle, so that helps A LOT. If the looks weren't enough, Dylan sleeps like his daddy as well. He usually doesn't go to sleep till about 10 at night, but in the morning, Dylan can SNOOZE! As soon as I get out of the bed, he stretches out and sleeps until I wake him up to get him dressed. He might be the one I have trouble getting motivated in the morning. I am also struggling with trying to transition him to his crib, but I know we will get there.

Playtime: Dylan loves to play, and talk.  You can set him under his activity mat, and he will play, talk and carry on for a long time. He is easily entertained. He LOVES to be talked to. He has now learned to roll, everywhere. Derek learned that if he sticks his tongue out and makes noises Dylan loves it, and it make Derek so happy to make Dylan laugh.

Traveling: We are still working on this one. He does not like to ride for long periods of time, and he will let you know when he is tired of his car seat. 

Derek has been a really big helper when it comes to taking care of Dylan. Here is a side by side of both boys at 5 months old.


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