6 Months

Dylan has been with us for 6 Months now, and we are enjoying every minute with him.

I could not wait for Dylan to reach the 6-month mark, cause I know we could start feeding him baby food. I also hoped that with food, he would sleep through the night.

Just like with Derek, we wanted his first taste of food to be a banana.
I think he liked it, as he kept leaning towards the spoon.

 In addition to baby food, we are still nursing and going strong. I know that BF babies tend to wake up during the night since the milk does not stay with them as long, so we have still been co-sleeping, even though I am trying to put him in his crib more. I started that process this month, but by midnight, he is usually in the bed with me. Baby steps right? He also cut his bottom 2 teeth this month, so I have a been a little laid back on crib training, even though it doesn't seem to bother him that much.

This swing was given to us when we had Derek and we held onto it for our next kid, and one of my very favorite pictures of Derek is in this swing. Derek is 5 months old here.

Here is Dylan in the same swing, at 6 months old.

 Sleeping: Dylan is a pretty good sleeper. I realize that Dylan is waking up so many times in the middle of the night so he can comfort nurse, not because he is hungry. I know that in a very short time I need to break this habit, but I keep having flashbacks to Derek as a baby and how hard a new routine was and always think out. I have started doing some research on new methods so we will see how it goes.

This month we celebrated Dylan's first Easter.
Derek was so excited to spend Easter with his favorite cousins.
We went to Spring Lake Park for the Texas A&M- Easter Egg hunt and everyone had a great time and fell in love with our mascot.

Then we headed to church on Sunday Morning.

With Derek really being into superheroes, when I came across this Batman outfit for Dylan, I could not resist. My 2 favorite Bat-Boys. Derk loved that his brother was dressed up just like him.

Traveling: Dylan has gotten better, but he still does not like to be in his car seat for too long. We are still only able to do hour long trips, after that time, he is ready to get out of the car.

 We also got family pictures made, and I think they turned out really good.

Here we are celebrating 6 months with this sweet boy.
He is the calmest, happiest baby I have seen, and I am so blessed that I get to be his mom.

Here is Derek at 6 months old. You can definitely tell they are brothers.


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