A Letter to my boys on Mother's Day

Every year we celebrate our moms to show them how much we appreciate them.
On this Mother's Day, I wanted to leave a message to the ones that mean the most to me, the ones who made me a mom.

To my wonderful husband:
You make every day special and I am so lucky to have you on my side! You are the best partner anyone could ask for! You are my right hand. You always have my best interest at heart and through your words and actions, I see how much you care and love your family! 
You are a wonderful dad to our kids and I am so glad you chose me to start a family with! Your kids adore you and want to do everything to make you happy. You never fall short to make me feel special, and this year was no different. I love seeing you as a dad to our kids, and even when parenting gets tough, you are right there in the trenches, helping me mold the kids into the people we want them to be. Thank you for being present in all of their little moments. 

To My firstborn son: Derek, you made me a mom, something I have wanted for so long. When I look at you today, I am blown away by how big you have gotten in such a short amount of time! You have the most compassionate heart, the funniest personality and are very sensitive to you feeling! You love to be loved and shown love, and you can't stand it if someone is upset with you. You love to talk about everything that is on your mind. You love to be in the middle of everything, but you are also fine with doing things on your own. Right now your love for action figures and race cars is strong, and you always have something funny to say. You love to make people laugh, and give the best hugs. I am so happy that I was chosen to be your mom.

To My Last baby: Dylan, even though we have only had you for 7 months, you have brightened my world in so many ways!  Sometimes I feel like you are a dream. You are a great baby, very easy, calm and laid back. You have made me challenge myself in ways I never dreamed of and I can't wait to see what kind of person you will be as you grow older. You are the spitting image of your daddy, and I love your smiling face. Your happiness that shines through you, when you see me, makes my day. 
I am holding on to every "baby" moment with you, as I know this time is so short. Always stay sweet, and take your smile with you where ever you go. 


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