9 and 10 months

Working at a University is tough, and the summer is extra tough, that is why I have not been able to blog like I have wanted to. With Dylan turning 10 months old today, I felt like it would be best to combine the two months.

Crib Sleeping: Dylan sleeps really well in his crib now. We are able to do our nightly routine and lay him in his crib and he will fall asleep. It has been a great accomplishment. Of course, there are those nights where he cries a little bit, but within ten minutes he falls asleep. He has been really good about sleeping all night as well, which has been a blessing.

Teething: Over the last 2 months, Dylan has cut his top 2 teeth, and he has had a lot of trouble with them. You could tell he was teething really bad because he stopped sleeping through the night and puts everything in his mouth. They have finally cut through and for a short minute, he is happy.

We also got him a haircut at 9 months old. It was well overdue and he looks really cute now. I should have done it sooner, but it was a first-last, and I wasn't ready to give it up. Here is a before and after look. What a difference a haircut makes.

 We are no longer nursing either. Between self-weaning and low supply, Dylan is now on a bottle. I have mixed feeling about this but know it is for the best.

Here are a few photos of the last 2 months.

 They are thick as thieves.


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