Derek turns 5

WOW, the time has flown and we just celebrated this little guys 5th birthday.

Each year we throw a really big party, and after attending other birthday parties at places designed for parties, we thought we would give it a try also.
This year for Derek's party we celebrated at Chuck E. Cheese, and it didn't disappoint.

All I had to do was make a few phone calls and most everything was set up and ready for us, and you know what, the kids had just as much fun, and we weren't stressed out.

Here's to our 5-year-old- Happy Birthday, Derek:
Since we bought the Nintendo  Switch, we have been playing the Legend of Zelda, and Derek has become obsessed with Link, so as his big present we bought him "Link clothes." He is over the moon, although you can't tell from this picture, as "Link doesn't smile." He was "in character." We have a whole episode with the unavailing of the shield, by opening a treasure box and pulling out the Master Sword from the platform. Then he had to fight the evil monster.

The next day we surprised him with a visit from his favorite cousins, Carson and Corey. He was so excited to have them at his house for his birthday. I had a cell phone issue, so I don't have any pictures to share of this day.

Then it was party time, and Derek and all his guest had a blast.

Playtime at Chuck E. Cheese: He loves spending time with his best friend Ben Richie! 

 Everyone had to get there time chilling with Dylan. 

 Derek, Ethan, and Carson are having a great time. 

 Even daddy loves how carefree this day has become. 

 Derek's gang of friends.  

 He loved the birthday song and dance.

 Isla and Ethan, having a great time.

Cupcake time. 

 Ticket Blaster time

 Present time.

We are so proud of you Derek and we can't wait to see what you accomplish this year.


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