Kindergarten Ready

The time has finally come for Derek to begin Kindergarten. How is that possible. 
I wrote last year about how Derek was not ready to go to kindergarten, and how hard that decision was to make.
Here we are 1 year later, and Derek has come so far and is going to blow the doors wide open with Kindergarten.

Here is the music room, with the Lion King cast. He was a little scared at first but found it fun after a few minutes. 

I mean, how to do you top this!! 2031 will be here before you know it. 

Here got to meet all of the teachers and he loved the alphabet rug in each classroom. 

Derek is so animated, and he loved posing with the school Hawk. 

The football players were a good sport with Derek, who didn't want to take any pictures with him, but they made him feel so welcome. 

Derek, I am so proud of you. You have come so far and looking at you today, I know we made the right choice to allow you to stay in pre-k an extra year. Your dad and I have your very best intention at heart and want the very best for you. 
We are so proud of the little boy you have become and can't wait to see what your future holds. I know it is a bright one. 


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