Life as usual

I know I don't post as often as I should, and I try to get better each week, but it doesn't happen. I forget to take pictures, and I am sad that I don't remember.
Since I do a post about Dylan each month, it's only fair that Derek gets the same spotlight.
Derek is a very funny, energetic, creative five-year-old.
He loves to make you laugh and be silly. Check out the many faces of our Derek.

He could not resist a picture with the Target dog, and when he asks you to take his picture, you do so. 
I know there will be a time when he will not want me to take his picture.  (Sidenote: Derek is going to be a businessman. He is constantly making deals with us to get what he wants. If we offer him a deal he isn't happy with, he is quick to make a counteroffer, just not always in his favor)

So here is what I know about this image.  We came home from a birthday party, and I told him to go play, a few minutes later, he comes to the living room like this. It was his "costume", and I could not capture this image. 

We are walking out the door, and I tell Derek to get his coat, he returns like this. 
Where does he come up with this stuff?? 

What 5 year's room, isn't a mess?? We were playing in his room, and he just laid on the floor, dramatically announcing how tired he was. 

My two cuties!!!

Derek is really into building with legos, and I have been pretty impressed with his creations.
His favorite right now is Lego Batman and is already planning his birthday party around lego batman.  

Derek loves him some bubble tea. It is not really tea, but a creamy flavored milk drink with kiwi bubbles, and it is delicious. 

This past Friday, I meet up with my friend Kelly, and we to get our hair done. I was so happy to finally have a new haircut, and spend some girl time with my friend.

This past weekend was beautiful, so we spent as much time outside as possible. 

Lastly, look at our celebrity. Our cutie made a flyer at work. This picture is from last years Easter Egg hunt, and they featured him on this year's flyer. #proudmom. 


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