After a fair nights sleep, I wake up the next day in San Diego, and the moment my feet hit the floor they start screaming at me, oh they HURT. Ricky had to be at his conference early, so I seen him off, and I began to start my day, but I was slow moving. I could not get motivated to get out of the room. Finally I made my way down stairs, and headed to Starbucks for breakfast. After that I hopped on a bus and headed to the San Diego Zoo. Thanks to Google Maps, and my GPS I knew right where I was going and when I needed to get off the bus. It was a lifesaver. How did people travel to a new city before Google maps, LOL. I actually got off the bus a little early, but the weather was wonderful, so I didn't mind it to bad. Now if you have ever heard of this zoo, you know it is a well known zoo, and it should be, it was great, and HUGE!!! Instead of showing tons of pictures of animals, I will only show a few and move on. I spend al...
The months just keep on passing faster and faster. Derek is now 20 months old, and let me tell you that is weird to say. He already has a personality of his own, and he knows how to work a room. Give him the spotlight and he will run with it. Cool Kid!!! Here are a few of his accomplishments. He is able to tell you where his mouth, nose, ears, hair, eyes, toes and belly button are. When you ask him where his eyes are, he will blink his eyes at you. When asked about his belly button, he will raise his shirt and show you his belly button. He is still into Barney, and Mother Goose Club. He will go crazy over both of them. We are thinking about having a Barney themed birthday party. Do they still make that stuff? LOL. As far as the sleeping, he is doing really good. Most nights he sleeps all night and on the nights he wakes up, he will turn the soother on and go right back to sleep, with the exception of the past 2 nights, where he has woke up screaming. Last night he ...
WOW time sure does go by fast! Derek is now 2 months old! This has been a great month, Derek is still struggling with his nights and days, but we are slowly getting it figured out. He has started to focus his eyes, smile and stick out his tongue, for a short minute! He has had a few good nights where he slept from 8pm-3am,, in return I woke up in shock that he slept that long, but was very happy for the much needed rest! This Month was the first big overnight trip for Derek and I, we went to visit his Uncle Clint and Aunt Tara in Tulsa, OK. That was a fun trip, but it was hard for us at night since Derek had never been away from home over night, but it was nice to visit family! Derek has started staying awake longer in the afternoon, and we finally had to move up to 0-3 month clothes, which was a sad moment...
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