Easter Weekend



Friday we attended the Easter Party at the kid's daycare and Derek was so happy to have his parents there. 

He also LOVES Cheetos!!

Dylan didn't waste any time gathering eggs, he knew what he was doing. 

Had to get a picture with my little ones. 

Ricky has a way with kids. They always gravitate towards them, and he can always entertain them and make them laugh. Its a quality I love about him. 

Saturday, we headed to the park for an Easter Egg hunt, and meet up with Derek's best friend. 

These two love spending time together. 
I am so happy Derek has found such a great friend. 

Dylan was not much for the picture taking. To be fair, we took him to get his hair cut right before this, and he didn't want any part of it. He screamed the WHOLE time, so he was worn out. 

I am so happy for Derek, this week he fully understood the meaning of Easter. We talked about how Jesus died on the cross and died for our sin, and how the tomb was empty. 

He sang THIS song and my heart wept. I was so proud of him. 

We took 4 Easter pictures, and this is the best I got. I love Dylan's smile though. 

Easter Fun at Papaws. 

They searched... 


and LOW... 




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