Dylan 22 Months old
Dylan this month has flown by, and as always you are a great baby. You love your sleep, and love to stick to your schedule. You don't look too much like me, but you are my child.
You love to have fun and to be chased. You love playing with your big brother.
If we let you live outside, you would.
You have your own funny personality, and you are very sweet.
For your young age, you are very systematic, meaning everything has a place, and it is your missions to put all things in their place. You will put your sippy cup in the sink when you are done, books on the shelf, and things in the trash. I am impressed by your knowledge at such a young age.
You have a large vocabulary, and your favorites right now are Paw Patrol and PJ Masks.
You love to pick out the turtle in your "first words" book and are perfectly fine playing in your room or reading a book, by yourself.
On the other hand, you love to hang out in your big brother's room too, as you want to be doing what he is doing.
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