16 Months Old

Derek is now 16 months old, and I am ashamed to say that I have been slacking on the picture taking, the note taking, and all the awesome stuff he has been doing as he is getting older. Is it because I don't care anymore, absolutely not. We are living life, and having fun, and I have just let the "blog" side of it go to the back burner. Even though I would like to be done with the every month update, I feel like I need to keep it up, at least till he is 2. Who knows, by then this "dry spell" may pass, and I will be back on my game. We do have the holidays coming up really soon and that is my favorite time to take pictures, so I am sure it will pick up.

So for now, here is my little boy at 16 months old.

Currently everything is "Mamma", we are trying to get him to say more words, but nothing has stuck just yet, other than "yeah", and that is my mistake, and I am trying to correct it with "yes".

We celebrated his second Halloween, and this year he was a bumble bee, and of course he was really cute.  However he had a really bad cold at that time so we didn't stay out to much for Halloween.

3 months old

Here is his Halloween picture from last year, and look how much a year has changed him, he is getting so big! "no that's not a tear rolling down my check, or maybe it is"  :(

 He is currently 23 lbs, but he feels a lot heavier, and I am trying to get into the habit of making him walk more than I carry him.

He cut 2 more teeth this month, the back middle ones, and it was rough at first, but I think he is getting the hang of it.

Look at this little boy, he has grown so much and I am so happy to have such a handsome, sweet little boy. I am blessed.

Until Next time....


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