17 Months old

 Earlier this week I posted that we were going to try to get Derek to sleep in his own crib. Unfortunately that didn't work at all. The first night we attempted to try it, we put him to bed, like we do every night, and he cried and coughed so much, that he thew up, everywhere. It was horrible. I felt so bad for him. There was no way I was going to make him cry for not being in my bed so,  he slept in my bed that night.
Once again the next night, after praying and praying that it would not be terrible, we put him to bed, and the same thing happened, he coughed so much he threw up again, but not as bad as the night before. So we decided that until he felt better and was not coughing so much, we would wait. To me I seemed like a blessing, and God's way of telling me, now is not the time.
The sleeping hasn't gotten any better, and I find myself stressing out about this more and more, and wondering what I need to do next, and I find myself crying and questions my abilities as a mom. Then every time, in some way, I am remind that I am the MOM and I know what is best for me and my child and every time my heart tells me to let that baby sleep in my bed. Am I making a mistake by continually postponing this, Probably. Will it continue to get harder, Yes, but I know that my baby loves me and wants to be close to me, and that means more to me than anything else. I pray that when the time comes, that it is the right time for us all, and I will know exactly how and when I need to do it.

Now on to more important things....
17 month check up...
 This has been a fun month. We celebrated thanksgiving with my brother in Tulsa, and it was a lot of fun.
I was able to see Derek interact with his cousin Carson, and it really made me see how big he is getting.
That weekend we went to the Christmas Train. It is located at Dry Gulch Ranch, and it is put on by Church on the Move. Let me tell you, if you are ever in the area around Christmas time, be sure to put that on your To-Do list, It was AWESOME.  The weather was perfect, it was cold, but we were prepared.  They have it set up for all ages, and it is perfect for a family fun night. The main event is a coal train ride, that tells the story of the life and death of Jesus.  It is told with live scenes, and awesome artwork. As you are riding the train the story comes though loud speakers, ant it was one of the best I have seen put together.

Here are a few pictures from that night. Carson was being a wonderful Cousin, holding on to Derek so he could ride the Elf train.

We have been working on his talking and getting out of the baby babble, and he has been able to say a few more words such as ball, dog, bath time, ect.  We are making progress with him, and I also know that it will take time, and we will get there.

The other night I was folding laundry, and Derek decided to help, so he crawls in this basket, and he entertained himself for 30 minutes.It was a treat watching him.

Isn't he a cutie....

As the Month has come to a close we celebrated Christmas, and the whole family was home for Christmas break, and we all shared the sickness that was going around. I was worried that I had strep throat, so I went to the Dr pretty quick, so I was able to get better pretty soon, but I cant say the same for the other 2 men in the house. I am just glad, not that it hit the Ray house, but It happened on Christmas break, so I could be there to take care of everyone. Derek has caught the worst of it though. He has a really bad cough, and his tear ducts are clogged so his eyes have been matting up, swollen, and are red. Fortunately his Dr called in some eye drops for us so he can get to feeling better, now if we could get rid of his cough.

 Here is our sweet boy at 17 months old, with me most sad eyes, we bribed him with food to get him to smile.

We are looking forward to some many new and exciting things in 2014, until next time....


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