Merry Christmas!!

Christmas Time

 The biggest day of the year is finally here. I have been so excited for Christmas this year for Derek, and the family. That time has finally come and it was awesome. Derek had an awesome Christmas. This time last year, I was holding him and opening his presents for him, but this year he was able to do some of it, until he lost interest, or wanted to play with the toy that he just opened.
It was such a joy this year for all of us. I remember when I was  a little kid and Christmas was the biggest day of the year with Santa and family time, and then as I got older I didn't get as excited for Christmas. Now that I am a parent, all the excitement and many more emotions have come back. Not only do I enjoy it so much more, but the realization that I am now someone's "Santa" was an awesome feeling.
I know as Derek gets older I will be able to share with him the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus, and the real meaning of Christmas. We will be able to start new traditions, and keep some of the old.
One of the ones that I have started, I know everyone else does this too, is taking a family picture in front of the Christmas tree. When I was a little girl, my parents would do that with me and my little brother, and I thought that was the best part, being able to go back and look at those pictures.
So here are a few of the pictures from Christmas, and our family photo.

 See how much our family has grown in a years time!

Family Photo 2012


Family Photo 2013


Santa 2013
Santa 2012


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