When one door closes, another one opens:

The first week of March has been an emotional one.

This week, I end my journey at Cossatot and begin my new chapter at Texas A&M.
Also Ricky had to be away for a conference, so it is a week of firsts.

Monday I spent the day in De Queen, trying to wrap up some lose ends, then headed back to Texarkana to get Derek, and spent our first night in the house without Ricky, not going to lie I was a little scared.
Derek and I kept busy, and had a small water fight in the bathroom, but Derek LOVED it, so that is all that mattered.

Tuesday was my last day at Cossatot and my wonderful co-workers gave me an awesome send off. It was hard to say good-bye, but I know I am moving on to greater things, but they will all hold a special place in my heart.

I am going to miss this group of people.

Tuesday night Derek and I hung out. Trying to keep the night alive and active, I asked Derek if he wanted to play in his room, or wash dishes, and he took off to the kitchen to "wash dishes" that   ended in us blowing bubbles on the floor.

 Wednesday was my first day at A&M, and it was an AWESOME day.  I am so excited to begin this journey.
I was the first one there, so that was a little awkward, and from 8-9, the have "family breakfast" so I think that is really cool.
The people are GREAT! I must say, they have their stuff together, as they gave me a training schedule, where I am able to shadow other adviosrs, and there is also someone else new, so I am not alone. 
That afternoon, we had a training session with Venus, my boss, and It was an awesome training. I am so excited, to see what I can do here at A&M.
That night Derek and I just hung out, and blew more bubbles..

Thursday was another "snow day" and I have to say I was a little bummed. I was looking forward to the second day of work, but I am sure that is crazy. Derek and I hung out, and about 3, the walls started to close in on me, so we headed to the mall, and had a great time. Derek said a few times, " I had Fun at the mall." Aww how sweet is that. 

Its Official!!!! I am a part of the STUDENT SUCCESS CENTER!!!
Friday was a good day at work. We had a few more training sessions, and waiting to be able to move into our offices. I feel great about my job, and know with time, it will be awesome.

Friday afternoon Ricky came home and we were so happy to have him back.

WOW what a week, and I can't wait to see what next week hold. Hopefully I will be able to move into my office.



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