Febuary Goals

I can't believe February is gone. 
Here is a recap of my goals for February.

1. Every night before I put Derek to bed, say a prayer with him.

2. Listen to the bible on my way to work.

3. Update and Print pictures for my scrapbooks.

4. Write a blog post at least once a week.

Lets see how I did:

1. Every night before I put Derek to bed, say a prayer with him.  Starting out, this was hard. It was hard for me to do it, and hard for Derek to want to do it. They say to form a habit, you have to repeat it 21 times, in order for it to become a habit. Well for a 2 year old, that isn't the case. This still continues to be a struggle. I started this on a Tuesday night with this simple prayer.
God is Good.
Thank you for this day.
Bless Mommy, Daddy, Buddy and Hersey. 

That same week, on Friday, as we are walking to Derek's room, I tell him, "remember we got to say our prayers" and Derek immediately follows it by saying "God is Good."  OHH, let me tell you, as I was walking, I was fighting back tears, and praising God that same moment.
After a few good nights, Derek has gotten restless, and he doesn't want to do it.
He has entered the "terrible twos", and gets to where he doesn't want to listen, or do what we say. Needless to say, Ricky and I try every night, some nights are successful, other nights are not, but I will keep tying. 

 2. Listen to the bible on my way to work.  This is going really great. I am enjoying it so much. There have been a few mornings where my mind has wondered, but for the most part, I am enjoying it, and listening to it really helps, as apposed to reading it.

 3. Update and Print pictures for my scrapbooks. -SCORE!!! Yes I was able to get this done. Not only did I get my pictures printed. I was able to get caught up in my Christmas scrapbook. This is a BIG Deal, and something I have been wanting to get completed, and thanks to a few snow days, I was able to. 

4. Write a blog post at least once a week.  What was I thinking?? February was an exceptional month, and I am moving it to my March goals, as I have a feeling I will have more to talk about next month. 

I think 3 out of the 4 goals, isn't bad at all. 

Now on to my March goals.

1. Write a blog post at least once a week. 

2. Take more pictures of and with my family.

3. Finish the book I am currently reading, and start a new book.

Here is to a great Month. 


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