Stomach Bug...

The stomach Bug hit the Ray house....

Since Ricky has been gone all week, we decided to head to Cracker Barrel for a family breakfast Saturday Morning. They were really busy so it took a little while to get our food so we snacked on biscuits while we waited. Derek did pretty good considering how long it took.

After that we headed to Target to get a present, for a birthday party that afternoon, then back home.
Later that day, Derek and I headed to DeQueen for a birthday party, then to my parents house so Derek could spend some time with his grandparents.

At the party, Derek didn't eat much, but when he didn't eat his cupcake, that should have been a clue for me that something was wrong.  We head to my parents house, where he was a little clingy, but he had not had his nap, so I assumed he was sleepy and laid him down.
Once he woke up from his nap, he was not himself and about an hour later, the vomiting started.  My baby, didn't feel good. I tried to get his stomach settled before we got in the car to head home, but he was still throwing up.
Sunday morning, he woke up with a fever, and about noon, it spiked to 104, so we panicked, and took him to the ER.  After an hour or so of waiting, his results come back negative for RSV and Flu, and the DR suggested that it was viral, and we would have to "wait it out".  On the bright side he prescribed us Tamaflu and Zofran, if we felt like we needed it.

The next few days was a matter of "waiting it out", but because I just started my new job, I was not able to take off and be home with Derek. Fortunally Ricky was able to stay home and take care of Derek, and my mom was able to come down on the 3rd day so Ricky could go back to work.
After 4 days of throwing up and High fever, I am so glad the stomach bug has left this house.

There is nothing worse than watching your child being sick, and there is nothing you can do to make him feel  better.


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