The First Month

WOW it has been one month with baby Dylan.
Here's whats been going on with us as a family of four.

Breastfeeding Success:
We are adjusting to the late nights and early mornings.
As soon as Dylan was born, he latched and we are successfully breastfeeding. I am so happy to be able to do this for him. I wish I knew this much about breastfeeding with Derek, but it was not in the cards for us. With Dylan, we clicked from the beginning.
The first few weeks consisted of us trying to find the new normal. Uncle Vernon, and Aunt Jessica came to visit, and I got to experience my first "cluster feeding". At first, I was not sure what was going on, but after a little research, I learned about it. All I will say is cluster feeding is tough!!!
This lasted a few nights, each week, but I learned to go with it, and take naps during the day to balance out the sleep I was missing. I was not able to do that with Derek, so I knew how important it would be to get as much sleep as possible, especially with 2 kids.

Amazing Husband Support:

Ricky has been a wonderful help. He lets me sleep in each morning, as he takes care of Derek in the morning and takes him to daycare. He has been making me breakfast and making sure all my needs are meet as I am taking care of Dylan! Each and every day is a reminder of how lucky I am to being doing "life" with this wonderful man! My kids and I are so lucky to have him in our life.

Well we are getting as much sleep as we can with a new born. We are up every few hours to nurse and take in the sights. I keep the house dark at night and it doesn't seem like he is struggling with night and day too much.

Present and Thankful:
I have enjoyed my time at home, and have really tried to "stay in the moment". In the times of fear and anxiety, I remind myself that I am right where I need to be: at home caring for my family.

This is a HORRIBLE picture, but I LOVE Derek's face!!!

Derek as a Big Brother:
This little boy deserves big props. He has been an awesome big brother. He is so helpful, and wants to be a part of every moment with baby Dylan. He can't wait for Dylan to get up and play with him. He loves to hold him, sing to him, and show him all his toys. Just the other day he asked Dylan if he would come play with him, which melted this mamma's heart.

This has been a tough one. I have not gone out much, and when we do, Dylan is usually crying! Since I am still trying to figure out the whole nursing thing, I have been content staying home. The few times we have made it out of the house, have been stressful and short. Dylan does not like his car seat.

Little Bits of Everything:
It has been an adjustment for all of us, but we are so happy to have Dylan as a part of our family.
Each one of us are learning our new role and Dylan is figuring us out too.

And to keep tradition, I will be doing the monthly pictures, so we can see how much they change each month. Dylan was not a fan of this idea, so this was the best we got.
And here is a flashback to Derek at 1 month old. 


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