The beginning of December, we kicked off the Christmas season with a Winter Wonderland event at the university. I knew Derek would have a blast, and it gave us something fun to do. The weather was cold and raining so making that walk up to the college was cold. Once inside, we got to see Santa, and decorate cookies, which was Derek's favorite part. It got crowded pretty quick so we didn't stay as long as we had planned, but still had a great time.

How precious is this:

 The next day we attended Derek's best friends birthday party. These two are the best of friends. Sometimes I wonder if their friendship is insides, but as soon as we walked into the party room, Ben lit up! He was so happy to see Derek! Before we got to the party, Derek wasn't too thrilled to go to the party, but once he saw this, his mood changed.

Ben and Derek were off to play, and had the best time. I was so thrilled to see the boys happy and playing together. There were together the whole party.

They had a great time.


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