Dylan- 2 months old

Well Another month has passed.
We now have a 2 month old.
Here is a look at the last month with Dylan.

We are still going strong, and Dylan weights 10lbs. I am feeling pretty good about myself. This is an amazing thing for my baby, and am glad we are doing it. I am providing all he needs. With that being said, it's also tough. A lot of times I am all he wants, and sometimes when he is really sleepy, we can walk him, bounce him for 20-30 minutes, and he will continue to cry, but 3 minutes on the boob, he is sound asleep! It's good that he needs me, but it does make it tough. I can't help but worry about how he is going to be at daycare, when I am not there. I am hoping he will learn to adjust with other sleeping methods.  And on that topic...

We have had some really good nights. On average he will sleep between 3-5 hours, wake up, and is usually back asleep within an hour. Just like his daddy, he likes to sleep in the morning., which has been helpful since he has been going to work with me in the morning. In the afternoon he will take a few catnaps and be ready for bed between 9-11. This has been such a blessing so far, and I am glad we are able to get some rest.

This has gotten better. PTL!!! We still have to stop along the way for a feeding, but there have been fewer tantrums. This month was Thanksgiving so we had an hour and 20 minute car ride, and it took us a little while to get home, but we made it.

Happy Thanksgiving:
Here are a few pictures of us as a family of 4 this thanksgiving! I am sad I didn't get a picture of us all together.

Derek as a big brother:
Derek loves being a big brother. He loves to take care of him, talk to him, and hug him. We have had a few moments where he has acted out, or needs additional attention. We have had tough days, but we are working though them. In a calm 4-year old way, he will let us know when he needs a little extra attention, by asking me to put baby Dylan down, so we can play. With that being said, we still make sure that we spend one on one time with Derek to let him know that he is still important.

Mom to 2 kids:
I am so glad we had Dylan and the age difference between our kids. Although being a mom to 2 kids is tough! There are some days I am not sure how we are going to make it to bedtime, but we always do. Having Dylan has defiantly increased my anxiety, with the constant worry, and demand, but it is something we have to take one day at a time.

Back to Work:
As of November 14, I returned to work part time. I go to work in the morning, while Ricky stays home with Dylan, and when I get home at noon, he heads to work. My biggest fear was the bottle- nursing issue. Will he favor a bottle and reject me? I was so nervous to give him a bottle for the first time and cried when he took it without any issues. At the same time I was relieved, since he took it so well. As the weeks past, he began to notice the difference, and refused a bottle until he realized, I was not there. He finally figured it out and the system is working well.

 2 Months old:

Derek at 2 Months old:


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