Dylan goes to work

December 1st has been a day I have had so much anxiety about since Dylan was born. I knew I was not ready to put Dylan in daycare at 2 months old and for only 3 weeks before Christmas break, so I was able to work out an arrangement with my boss, to bring Dylan with me as I worked part time, this past month. Days leading up to December 1st were very stressful for me. How was Dylan going to be, how many upset people would we encounter, what if he was fussy while I was with a student, and the list continued.
I did as much preparation as possible and even though it started a little rocky, Dylan quickly became the star of the Success Center. I believe God had his hands all over this situation, as Dylan is a baby that likes to sleep most of the morning. Which happens to be the same time that I have been working.
Everyone in my office has been so supportive with me bring Dylan to work.

 December is also the month that registration is in full swing, but Dylan never missed a beat as we saw students each day. Each day Dylan traded hands about 7 times, and anytime he would make a fuss, I had 3 people outside my door willing to take him for me.
There were a few times that he would get passes around so much that I lost track of who had him.

I am so thankful that I get to work with these wonderful people who showed as much love to Dylan as they have to me.


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