3 months old

The time sure is flying by. We have had Dylan for 3 months now, and we are starting to get things figured out.
Here is what happened this month. 

Breast feeding: We are going strong. Dylan is taking a bottle good, when he needs to, and still needs me at nighttime.

Going to work: I started back to work full time this month, and its hard leaving your little one with someone else, but I am very passionate about my job, and it allows me to be me. Evey one needs a reminder of who they are and what they love to do, outside of being a parent and my job is a part of that.

Traveling: Riding in the car is getting so much better. He usually falls asleep within 10 minutes of being in the car, so that has made travel a lot easier.

Sleeping: For the most part, sleeping is going really well. We have some nights where we are up twice in one night, but we quickly go back to sleep. Dylan is getting to the age where he is relying on us to put him to sleep at night, so I plan to start sleep training soon. I hope it goes really well, but only time will tell.

Derek as a Big Brother: Now that the new has worn off, Derek is still liking being a big brother. He is very protective of Dylan, and does not want Dylan to get to far from him. We are still working on finding the 2 kid balance, which has been really hard for me. There are days that I feel like I completely failed with Derek and didn't spend enough time with him, and I strive to do better each day. When Derek looks back on his childhood, I want him to remember me playing with him, instead of me saying, not right now.

Daycare: This was a big step as Dylan started daycare this month. I was so nervous and scared for him, but as you can expect, Dylan has done really well in daycare. He is a really good baby, and just needs his basic needs meet. I am happy and sad, because I know he is fine without me. He is also taking the bottle really well. So far we have not had any issues. We also learned that he is very picky about his milk. He will only take fresh/day old milk. Anything older, he can tell it isn't fresh and will not drink it.

Dylan got to meet Santa for first time. He wasn't to impressed as he slept right through it.

We also celebrated the new year as a family of 4 and with friends:

Here are the boys at 3 months old:


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