Catching moments

It's 9:50pm, and as I am sitting here rocking a sweet baby, who I have tried to lay down several times,  I am reminded that these small moments like this will not last.

I am beyond tired!
The kitchen is a mess, but all I want to do is crawl into bed.
There are mounds of laundry that seem to be never-ending.
So many things on my To-Do list that never seem to get done.

My oldest son is now sleeping and the house is quite.
I know these moments won't come that often, and I need to catch them while I can.
The mess in the kitchen will have to wait. The Christmas decorations will stay up another day. The laundry will go undone once again, because it's snuggle baby time that will be gone before you know it.
Before to long, he won't need me to help him fall asleep, he won't need me to wrap him safe in his blanket.
It's moments like this, when you see your whole world in the eyes of your child. To them, you are their world, their safe net.
I should not feel bad for all the things left undone, all the stones left unturned, because I am doing the most important job at this very moment. Being a mom.


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