19 and 20 months old

Dylan, how are you already 20 months old. I really can't keep up with how fast you are growing.

You love to read books and be read to.

Right now this is your favorite book, and you can make the sounds of the cow, and cat. You love to point out the ball and bananas. 

Your very favorite thing to watch on TV, right now, is Barney, which you can also say.

You are saying a few more words, such as No, No, No, as you shake your finger at me, Buddy, and Hershey.

You have been cutting a few more teeth, which has not been very fun, but you never lose your smile.

Even though this picture doesn't show it, you really do like playing with your brother. You like to follow him around and do whatever he is doing.

At night, as I am doing our bedtime routine, you will look up at me, and I love gazing into your eyes. You will "humm" while I am singing to you, and my heart beats with so much love for you. You are so sweet, and a very smart little boy.

(19-month-old Dylan) 

You are a kid who knows what he wants and what he doesn't want.  When you are done, in whatever situation, you are DONE. (ect.. eating, bath time, sleeping, watching TV)

We love you, Dylan.

(20 month old Dylan, always moving)


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