Chicago Trip 2018- Part 2


Friday Morning we headed back to Wildberries to get breakfast, but they were so busy we decided to walk around to see what else we could find. We didn't have much  luck so we stopped at McDonald's and had breakfast before we headed to::

My very first baseball game.

We got to the park early because we wanted to explore this side of Chicago and mingle with ALL THE FANS, so we stopped at a restaurant/ bar, and had a drink before the game. 

The seats were good, as we were in the shade the whole time. ( In a sea of blue and white, I think I was the only person in a pink shirt.)

We were so excited to experience this together. 

Let's play ball.
The game was a lot of fun to attend. There were times where a lot was not happening, but it would change and become really fun. I loved watching all the other fans and their reactions.
We enjoyed baseball field hot dog, with grilled onions and canned jalapenos, and it was really good.

The game was a lot of fun, and the best part is they won the game.


After the game, we headed back to our hotel to rest up before our next adventure.

Our hotel was right across the river from the Trump tower which was pretty cool, and a great marker for where we needed to go around the downtown area.  Anytime we were ready to head back to our hotel, all we had to do was find the Trump tower and head toward it.

Here we are crossing the river, time to explore this side of Chicago. 

We had dinner reservations for a very, super-secret restaurant.  In order to get in, you had to know the secret password. 
 We didn't know the password so we had to prove we were true secret agents, so we had to reenact a scene from Rocky. We embraced it, had fun with it, and were accepted. Little did we know, we were on camera for everyone to see our "entrance".

 I didn't take many pictures inside, because I was too busy being a secret agent trying to discover the secret password. The design of the restaurant was really cool,  and the atmosphere was really energetic. I would highly recommend this place to anyone, but I am not able to share the secret password with you. Only the toughest, smartest agents are able to solve it. 

My fish tacos were really good. 

Here we are being very clueless agents but having a good time. 

The password is hidden here, can you find it?

We did it, just like many before us. 

Mission Accomplished.

After we handed in our badges, it was time to explore more of Chicago.
Not many can take their picture outside Tiffany and Co. and it has the same effect.

I don't know what this was, but it looked pretty. 

Not sure about this one either, but it looked cool.


We woke craving donuts, so we headed to Do-Rite donuts for donuts and coffee.
The weather was great so we sat outside and enjoyed our breakfast.

After breakfast, we headed to the Field Museum. Our plan was to go to the Field Museum, The Shed Aquarium, and Navy Pier, but there was rain in the forecast so we reserved tickets to watch Solo, while it rained.

On our way to the Field Museum, we saw this really cool fountain.

The Field Museum was really cool, with a lot of things to see, but knowing we had a busy day, we caught the highlights of the Museum.

Here we got to go "underground" and it was designed like we had been shrunk to the size of the insects of the underground. 

They also had some really cool animal exhibits.

Plus an almost full skeleton of a T-Rex. They are in the process of completing the exhibits.

After the museum, we headed to "The Loop" where our theater was located, and although my feet HURT so bad, it was really cool to see a different part of Chicago.
We were away from the tall buildings, where there seemed to be more people. One thing I did notice on  The Loop that you don't downtown Chicago were gas stations. I can't say I saw one gas station downtown, but on the loop, there were quite a few. Just a few blocks and the whole atmosphere changes, which I thought was cool.

The theater we went to was really cool as well. There was a bar, where you could have lunch and drinks before your movie. We got VIP tickets, thank you, Ricky, which gave us access to all the cool feature, like Reclining Seats.

Now this is the way to watch a movie, and it had seat warmers, cause, you know, theaters are ALWAYS cold. It was really cool, and a nice break from the heat and walking. After the movie, we headed back out, and were planning to head to the Shed Aquarium but realized it closed in an hour, and we didn't want to waste our tickets, so we decided to save it for tomorrow.

By this time, I am actually tired. We had done a lot of walking on this trip and my legs were screaming at me, but we are in Chicago, so we needed to see all things possible.

In sticking to our plan we decided to head to Navy Pier. Our GPS told us it was an hour walk, and at this moment we were both torn on what to do?
Do we make the hour walk?
Do we take an Uber, something we had never done, and were a little nervous about?
Or head back to our room, at 4PM?

If you know me, I don't do change from my original plan very well or quickly, so as planned we walked to Navy Pier.

Once we got closer to the pier, the hour felt like 3, and we began to see signs that parking is full.  That was our first clue of how busy it was going to be. Once we got to the riverside where our hotel was, I almost recommend we head that way, but I am glad I didn't.

The Navy Pier was crowded, but we were able to get a drink and experience the pier. We were there maybe an hour, only because we were tired from our day, so it was more of we came, we saw, let's go.

For dinner, Ricky found an Indian Resturant called the Indian Garden that he wanted to try, and if you ask him, this was the highlight of the trip.

He got Butter Chicken and I got Chicken Curry and it was AWESOME. We are still talking about this meal.
After dinner, we stopped at a bakery and got some cupcakes, and headed back to our room.


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