Derek-our silly son

If you don't already know, Derek is Best Friends with Ben Richie, and we had plans to meet up on Sunday evening at the park, but due to a huge thunderstorm, we had to reschedule for Wednesday night.
We meet up with Ben and his mom, Amanda, and they had the best time. We went to a small park, which isn't very popular, so the boys had it all to themselves most of the evening.
Ben brought them both snacks, and not 10 minutes into playing, he goes up to Amanda and says " you know,  I'm getting really hungry, can I have a snack?"  Please note, that we had eaten supper 20 minutes ago, but he saw the cookies and wanted them, clever Derek. He ate his snack and played with Ben. 

A little later, Ben sat down for a break, and Dylan, who was on me all evening, gets down and goes to sit down by Ben. It was the most precious thing. I take out my camera to capture this special moment, and then the fun really started. 

Derek wanted to see the picture, and then began to take 100 random pictures, and got the best thrill out of it. 
It was really cool to see the world through his eyes. 

He was so giddy taking pictures of Ben..... 

 the park.... 

and of his socks..

there are 20 more of these pictures..

Then Ben wanted to take pictures too, and it was game on.
They took so many pictures of them taking pictures. HA HA

Then Derek demanded that we take a picture, and to stand here, and smile. LOL 

Then we had to get a picture of the boys, who honestly really do love spending time with each other, and it makes my heart so happy. 

Then we had silly time with the sunglasses. 

There are at least 30 more pictures of socks, and my car, as Derek, really was enjoying himself and I always want to remember what it is like to see the world through 5-year-old eyes. 


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