Praise of the Day: Week 1

In Honor of my birthday month I wanted to do things a little differently.
For the month of May I will do a daily praise, something that happened that day, that had me saying Thank you Lord, Praise you!
There is no way I will be able to do a post each day, so I will post weekly.
Here is my week 1: Praises of the Day

May 1st

Today as we see more and more stories from the ones that survived the tornadoes in Northern Arkansas or the ones that lost loved ones, I am so thankful that it didn't get as bad here as predicted. I will continue to pray for those that are still struggling.

May 2nd

Today, as I am scrolling thought the news feed on Facebook, I read about a high school friend and how her and her husband lost their unborn baby! These things are never easy, so today and every day I am Praising God for my wonderful, energetic, cuttle-bug, almost 2 year old!

May 3rd

Today I am thankful for a wonderful, loving husband, who loves his family, and is willing to put aside the things he wants to do, to do things with us as a family, things that are really tailored to a 2 year old interest! I treasure our family time!

Until next week.....


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