Praise of the day: week 2

May 4th

After an entire weekend with a sick baby, and a high fever, today I find myself Praising God that Derek is now a normal temperature! We have been very fortunate with his health and this was the first time he has had a high temperature!

May 5th

Today I am thankful for laughter. I know it sounds silly, but laughter can make any situation better. A good day, Great. I am grateful to have the ability to hear, to understand, and to be able to enjoy, and laugh. Have you laughed today?

May 6th

Today was a very busy day, and I have to admit, I didn't have a "Praise of the Day" moment, but that doesn't mean that I don't have anything to Praise Him about. I woke up this morning, I was able to hold my child, Kiss my loving husband, go to a job that I love, and spend family night with my family. The list could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. Every moment is a Praise You Lord moment, for all he has given us.

May 7th

Today, I am Praising God for the short distance I have to drive to get to work. There are so many out there that have to drive a ways to work, my husband included, and there are so many people out there who don't take into consideration that the other people on the road are loved ones to somebody. So tonight I am tankful for the short travel, but pray for all the ones that do travel, and that they may return home safely each night to be with their family.

May 8th

Blessing others: Today I was able to bless someone, who deserved it, "just because."
It was nice to be able to talk to her, and hear the joy in her voice. I am grateful, that the Lord blessed me, so I could in return, bless someone else!
May 9th

Today I am Praising God for the relationships, I have created; for the paths that I have had to walk, to make the relationships, I have, with My Savior, my Best Friend, My Husband, My Son, My Mom, My Boss, and all the other relationships. I cherish each and everyone of them, and know how special they are.

May 10th

Coffee: I am very thankful for coffee, it is my morning mojo, LOL
Every Saturday and Sunday we brew a special flavored coffee and as a couple we drink coffee and watch TV. I am blessed.


Until next week......


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