Prasie of the day: week 4
May 18th
Today I am Praising God for my Dad. He has always been there for me, even when we were both hardheaded and stubborn, (that's where I get it from), he has always come to me when I have needed him.
Sometimes I forget how much I am like my dad. He is the most hardworking, honest man you will ever meet. When I was growing up, so many people would complement my dad and how they could see me in him, and to this day I still take that a one of the best compliments I could ever receive. So to my Dad, for being you!

May 19th
As I travel to and from Little Rock today, I am able to sit on my couch and Praise the Lord for my safety as I travel long distances.
Today I am Praising God for my Dad. He has always been there for me, even when we were both hardheaded and stubborn, (that's where I get it from), he has always come to me when I have needed him.
Sometimes I forget how much I am like my dad. He is the most hardworking, honest man you will ever meet. When I was growing up, so many people would complement my dad and how they could see me in him, and to this day I still take that a one of the best compliments I could ever receive. So to my Dad, for being you!
May 19th
As I travel to and from Little Rock today, I am able to sit on my couch and Praise the Lord for my safety as I travel long distances.
May 20th
Today as I was frantically working on this spreadsheet, that I use daily, I noticed a mistake, and all the fear comes up in me, then as I start to panic, I realize, OK I didn't just mess up big time, Praise you Lord. LOL

May 21st
Quite Time! Need I say more?

May 22nd
Praise The Lord for my job! This last week has been stressful, I'm not grateful for the stress of the job, but the fact that I have a job, with people that care about me, and a job to get stressed about.
May 23rd
Today I have 2 Praise The Lord moments! Today I drove 4 hours to visit my brother! I am thankful that we arrived safely. Also Derek had an upset stomach and threw up everywhere in the middle of Tulsa, so I Praised the Lord that I made it off the 6 lane road safely, and that hours later Derek is finally felling better!
May 24th
Nap time! I didn't realize how much I take this for granted until my baby didn't have his nap! The day was going good till he decided he didn't need a nap, by 6:00p.m. I was one stressed out and tired momma!
Until next week....
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