Praise of the day: week 3

May 11th
Happy Mothers Day!
I am so thankful, and overjoyed that God chose me to be the mother of my Sweet baby boy. All children are a gift from God, and are angels, that God lends us. I am so thankful!

May 12th
Sometimes its the small things that you take for granted, yesterday we were without power for a few hours, not a big deal, but it makes you appreciate it when its not there. So today I am Praising God for electricity and the electricians that put their life on the line, so I can have lights, and AC. Also for my brother who is a lineman, and will risk his life, so we can have lights.


May 13th
Today I am Praising God for another small thing, Internet. I know what you are thinking, what did we do 10 years ago without internet? What DID we do without Internet? LOL In today times, internet is such a huge part of our everyday lives, I have to admit, sometimes I am lost without it.


May 14th
Since Mothers Day just passed and tomorrow is my birthday, today is a good day to Praise my MOM!
My mom is great. She has always put my needs before hers, and she has always done everything she could for me, and my brother. She is the perfect example of a great mom. Not only that, she has been able to watch my son as I work. I am able to help support her, as she supported me so many years.
She is able to watch Derek grow, and Derek knows his grandma very well.
For today and everyday, I Praise God for my Mom!

May 15th
Happy Birthday to Me! Wow it has been a wonderful Day. I am blessed. Today I am thankful for my life. I was born 2 months early, and both my mom and I almost didn't make it. I feel like God had a plan for me, and he made me very special, just like everyone else, but I know that I am here to fulfill a greater purpose, I am so thankful that God chose to keep me around, so I could serve Him.

May 16th
Today I am Praising God for answered prayers. There is always a time and a place for the things we ask of God, but only he know the right time to deliver the requested. Today a prayer I have prayed for a while, has finally been answered. All that is left to do now it put it into motion!


May 17th
What a day, today has been. After a really good week of good news, and excitement, it was followed by a crummy day, but I am still smiling. Praising God that I can have sunny days, and not so sunny day, and it will always remind me to apperciate all those wonderful day.

Until next week...


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